Rallying the Troops
Dear AAJ Alumnae and Friends,
It has been over two weeks since our last large group Zoom meeting, and we recognize that not everyone is plugged into one of the sub-committees/task forces to receive updates on progress. Thus, we are planning to provide you with a weekly email to keep you updated on some of the progress by your AAJ team members!
Judson Sun Dial, photo courtesy of Cat Pope
Rallying the Troops
As so many alumnae are pitching in and finding ways to utilize their talents and skills to help with this important endeavor, Judson Sisterhood is reaching new heights and expanding beyond the decades. The positive feedback from so many of you has been encouraging and solidifies what we have always known, “our sisterhood strengthens us” during challenging times. “Judson’s history and future are at stake,” and the exchange of innovative and sometimes differing ideas and concepts from generation to generation can be done well when we are centered on a common goal, partnering together to save our beloved Judson! If you haven’t joined in, please connect with other Judson sisters at alwaysajudson@gmail.com. There is much to be done, and this venture will take an “army” to succeed!
Prayer Needed for Upcoming BOT Meeting on February 22nd!
Please be in prayer for the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting on February 22nd, at 1:00pm, as it receives the findings from the Fuller HES Viability Study and continues to make decisions about the future of the college. Pray for the BOT leadership; the college’s faculty, staff and students; Alabama Baptist leadership; and for all of our Judson sisters as we pursue a future for our Judson.
AAJ FAQ’s (Coming this Week!)
A document has recently been finalized to answer general questions about AAJ’s nonprofit structure, financial giving, etc. Please look on the AAJ website to receive clarification for yourselves and others you share the information with who are interested in becoming a part of this important team endeavor.
AAJ Membership (Coming This Week!)
It has been brought to our attention that we need an “Official AAJ Membership.” The membership form will be available on the website this week. Please take a moment to review the information, complete the form, and forward it with your donation/pledge/monthly PayPal plan as soon as possible! Wristbands are available, and you will receive yours via mail when you pledge or donate.
AAJ is a nonprofit Alabama corporation established on December 28, 2020, with a focused mission for the long-term sustainability of Judson College as a Christian higher education institution for women in Marion, Alabama. AAJ is comprised of a five-member board of directors of Judson College alumnae, advisory members, sub-committees, alumnae, and friends of the college who support Christian higher education and women’s colleges. As we apply for grants and to foundations, it is important to demonstrate the STRENGTH and COMMITMENT of the organization’s membership, which includes a personal financial contribution as well as participation.
Coming Soon:
AAJ ‘Once Upon a Time’ Survey
Alumnae Network Survey
March 6th, 2021 - ‘Family Day’ at Judson