• Always A Judson, Inc., (AAJ) is a nonprofit Alabama Corporation established on December 28, 2020. The initial mission was the long-term sustainability of Judson College as a Christian Higher Education Institution for women in Marion, Alabama. With the announcement of closure and suspension of academic teaching by the Judson College Board of Trustees on May 6th, 2020, and following thorough exploration of the possibility of reopening the women’s college by AAJ with consulting firms, state governmental leadership and potential private investors, it became apparent that we must identify other opportunities to educate young women and forge a lasting legacy for Judson College.

  • In early December, a group of Alumnae representing several decades of graduates, heard “rumblings” of a potential Judson College closure and that teach-out programs were being considered for graduating seniors and underclassmen. This highly motivated group of Alumnae began meeting in an effort to distinguish what could be done to keep the College from closing. In Mid-December, the group officially began exploration of forming a nonprofit corporation after consulting with “Saving Sweet Briar” representatives who were able to successfully save their women’s college in 2015. On December 15, 2020, Judson’s Board of Trustees officially announced the financial difficulties of the College and the dire need for funds to sustain the College on a short-term basis through the Spring Term 2021, and as we understood no official plan beyond that date. Thus, procedures were started to establish AAJ.

  • AAJ has filed its Form 1023 Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(C)(3) with the IRS. We have received our Letter of Determination and are tax exempt.

  • As we establish a path forward, it is vital to demonstrate financial strength as to the seriousness and commitment of our Alumnae and Friends to Women’s Higher Education based on the rich history and personal experiences of our own Judson College. Engaging donors at all levels positively impacts the opportunity to secure grants and funding from foundations towards the mission. Your participation gives everyone an opportunity to be a significant part of the success!

  • A Donation is sending an immediate contribution to the efforts of AAJ by check, PayPal, or monthly giving online. Because the donation is tax deductible, the donation cannot be returned to the donor. AAJ’s Bylaws and Certificate of Formation provide that if Judson College closes and our Board of Directors determine that AAJ’s mission can no longer be fulfilled, any of AAJ’s remaining cash or assets will be distributed to another 501(c) 3 entity.

    A Pledge is a financial commitment that includes dates citing a percentage of the pledge due. We are currently defining specific plans for the Judson Legacy Scholarship Program and the Judson College Artifact Preservation Project and release new pledge requests at a later date. “Stay Tuned” for this future opportunity!

  • Soon! AAJ is developing a gift acceptance plan for gifting of publicly traded, as well as closely held securities including stocks, bonds and mutual funds. We will add information on how to gift stock shortly.

  • Join a committee! AAJ is comprised of several alumnae committees to further our mission.

    • Strategic Planning

    • Fundraising

    • Judson Legacy Scholarship Program

    • Judson College Artifact Preservation

    • Alumnae Relations

    • Communications / Events

    • Political Action

    Read more about each committee here.

  • AAJ and the JCAA share the common cause of preserving and advancing the Judson Legacy, but they have different contributions to that purpose.

    AAJ focuses on the acquisition, preservations, and archival display of Judson’s treasured artifacts; a Judson Legacy Scholarship Program; and eventually a professional leadership/mentorship program. The JCAA sponsors and coordinate alumnae communications and events to connect alumnae for chapter events, J-Day/Rose Sunday type events and undergraduate degree scholarships.

If you have any additional questions that are unanswered, please contact an AAJ representative at AlwaysAJudson@gmail.com

We continue to welcome new ideas and assistance as we keep working towards a future Legacy for Judson College.