3rd Annual Judson Legacy Tea

"THANK YOU to all who made the 3rd Judson Legacy Tea a Success!"

It's always wonderful to spend time and sing with other Judson sisters and enjoy meeting new ones at events such as the 3rd Annual Judson Legacy Tea yesterday in Fairhope. We are so thankful to Todd and alumna Tina Echler for hosting the event in their beautiful home, the Greater Mobile Area Chapter for the delicious food, alumna Lori Brock and Hub City Florist for the flowers, the event committee members for their hard work and the exhibition of alumnae donated items. Alumna Ann Whatley led a meaningful step-sing on the steps of the home in her red and green Christmas striped cast!

We were also pleased to present this year's Judson Legacy Award to the family of the late Marian Clay Schott Jackson for her consistent love and support of Judson College and the legacy efforts of Always A Judson. This was the third Judson Legacy Award presented as past recipients include alumnae Valerie Pope Burnes, Ph.D. and Birmingham Attorney Rhonda Chambers. 

Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s ornament fundraiser depicting the beautiful artwork by Alumna Cat Pope. All online ornaments have been shipped as of December 13th!

Please consider making a last minute contribution to Always A Judson before the end of the year as the majority of our monthly expenses are upward of $1200 to securely store and organize the many Judson artifacts that are now owned by the Judson alumnae!

If you missed the tea this year, we hope you'll join us next year. We wish each of you and your families a very Merry Christmas!

AAJ Board of Directors and Advisors 


AAJ Presents the Judson Legacy Award posthumously to Marian Clay Schott Jackson


“Echoes of Judson College” Traditions book to be release in Fall 2025. More details to follow for Pre-sold copies.