In their history of Judson College, Frances Dew Hamilton and Elizabeth Crabtree Wells referred to Judson students and alumnae as “Daughters of the Dream.” Generations of alumnae have been the beneficiaries of that vision of excellence in Christian women’s education, the ways it shaped us for meaningful lives, and the lifelong bonds of friendship and sisterhood it forged. That dream, along with the limitless influence of Judson women, became Judson’s legacy. With the closure of Judson College, preservation of that legacy is more important now than ever . On behalf of all Judson alumnae, the Judson College Alumnae Association (JCAA) and Always A Judson (AAJ) share a commitment to protecting, preserving, and advancing Judson’s legacy. The JCAA will do that through maintaining chapter activities, J-Days, regional events, and liaison with Siloam Baptist Church, among others. Always A Judson’s Legacy Project includes the acquisition, preservation, and archival display of Judson’s treasured artifacts, the establishment of a scholarship program, and leadership and professional development opportunities.
The future of Judson’s legacy is our common cause and its success will depend upon the sustained determination of Judson alumnae and friends. AAJ encourages all alumnae to become involved in both organizations.

There are several ways to keep up with JCAA:

Main Public Facebook Page: JCAA Public Facebook Page

A Private Group: Judson Alumnae Private Facebook Group

(will be adding more)


 Alumnae Career Network Survey

One of the unique benefits of attending Judson College is access to our multigenerational network of amazing alumnae. The purpose of this survey is to increase accessibility of our network to current faculty and students. We want to provide immediate opportunities for our students to connect with you and other professionals in their chosen fields. AAJ believes that a robust alumnae network will also enhance student recruitment and retention. Please complete this survey to provide us with your current information!